Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
met up with Jay @clarke quay for dindin before class.
and our complimentary icecream.
I miss the past.
y'know,the days where we have fun and talk bout everything under the sun?
oh well~
people have to change.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
friday in school
new outfit from Ohlaho!!~!
*advertises for aunty Jane.
Novena Square,3rd floor.
nice clothes at an affordable price(:
baby and I met up with aunt on Saturday.
wanted to cook at her place initially,but she's too tied up with work to spend quality cooking time with us.
so,we drove down to West Coast for dindin @ Jack's Place.
Im such a lucky girl with a loving aunt(:
anw,thank you all for the votes and advices left on my tag(:
I seriously hope that daddy'll get me a Jap Spitz pup soon..
real soon.(:
Monday, September 22, 2008
Shortlisted dogs to get.
Which one shld I get?
Tag to advice(:
Boston Terrier
-weights from 10-25 pounds
-stands up to 15-17inches
-friendly, very strong, lovable, unforgettable personalities
-temperaments range from eager to please to those that are more stubborn
-gentle, alert, expressive, and well-mannered
Some Bostons enjoy having another one for companionship. Both females and males generally bark only when necessary. Having been bred as a companion dog, they enjoy being around people, and, if properly socialized, get along well with children, the elderly, other canines, and non-canine pets. Some Boston Terriers are very cuddly, while others are more independent. Miniature Bull Terrier
-weighs from 20-25pounds
-stands up to 10-14 inches
-loving, but known to be stubborn and courageous
-they love people, but often don't get along with other pets
-very energetic and playful
They are variable around other dogs, and young children must be warned to treat them carefully.

-weighs up to 11-12 pounds[5-10kgs]
-stands up to 12.5-15inches[32-28cm]
-The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion
-thrive on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family
-intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, excellent with children and have the patience for toddlers
-good watch dogs as they are always alert.

-weighs up to 6-9pounds
-stands up to max 10inches
-calm, steady breed that nvr appear shy or sharp
-generally get along well with children, but refrain from tugging Poodle's coat
-good-natured breed that is intelligent, amusing and eager to please.
-wonderful companion
Labels: the japz won my heart.
due to the storm in the wee hours of the morning,my shoot's postponed to wed.
the storm was horrid.
blowing against the windows and you'll hear the rattling of doors as the wind blows against em.
cant help but wonder how the dogs are doing at Ericsson Pet farm=(
Sunday, September 21, 2008
had a great day!!~!
was daddy's birthday as well,at 12mn 21st Sep, baby and I headed down to Esso to get a lil' cake like pie for daddy[daddy didnt want a big cake]
happy birthday daddy!!~!
i love you!!
woke up in the morning and went dog hunting @ Pasir Ris's Ericsson Dog Farm!!
Beagles, Samoyed[!!], Golden Retrievers[!], Jap Spitz[!], Frenchbulls, Bull Terriers, Poms, Shelties[!], Poodles[standard and toy], Jack Russells, Maltese, Boxton Terriers, Pointer, Boxer, Bernese Moutain Dog[!], Min Pins, Labs... you name it!!
super spoilt for choice.
Ive been wanting a dog since God knows when and has been a topic in the family that came up once a week.I cant believe that we're actually going to get one into our family now!!
Narrowed down the choices to
-Boston Terrier
-Jap Spitz
-Bull terrier
I really wanted a Samoyed, but unfortunately, it really is too big=(
will be heading to the SPCA next wkend to take a look at their dogs.
I mean,someone has to adopt those poor pugs right?
I cant wait to get a dog!!~!
anw,Im crushed.
someone said Im not only ugly,I have a lousy figure!!
yup,tt explains why my schedule's nearly packed for shoots.
I'll be in Sentosa tmr[probably Siloso Beach]
catch me if you can!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Im staring work next month~
and shoots are filling in for the rest of the month.
22.o9- sentosa shoots 4pm-7pm with Andy
23.o9 - car shoot with Anthony time-TBA
23.o9- briefing with Simply Intimate
28.o9- group shoot near SimLim 2-4pm org-Larry
29.o9- shoot with SimplyIntimate
and Ive been eyeing this mini notebook from Acer.
anybody willing to sponsor me for it?*laughs.
it's like really adorable and portable!
going at only $799!!
aha!there was a comment bout me I found really interesting.
"like that also can be a model? sorry but.... you are not at all photogenic. and your portfolio suck. I am just being VERY frank. "
*laughs.Im not even offended!
poor chap,you'll hafta try alot harder to even start bending my ego.(:
and a reply to that comment from another
"and a complete A-hole too.please ignore dumbass comments like that, be proud of your own image girl."
teehees,thank you~~
Im proud of it plenty^-^v
thank God class-A jerks are not all that common.
else I'll hafta kiss my perky ass goodbye!hahahahahaha.
anw,every girl has to sin once in awhile.
sin comes in all forms and sizes,
and mine,comes in the color and flavour of CHOCOLATE!!~!
this two-bite chocolate brownies from Homestyle are REALLY good.
not too sweet,not too bitter.
not dry,not another words,chewy.
fills you up pretty quickly [2's enough to make me very full]
so you wouldnt snack excessively on em!!~!
available at Esso[at least there's where I got mine from]
all off a sudden,I feel so dumb.
like Ive done nothing right even though superficially everything's going my way.
I know Im loved.
but how many people out there who claims that they love me really do?
how many people out there who will be there,against all odds,when I need em?
how many really meant what they say?
how many lies?
or are they really laughing at me behind my back?
"[laughs] look!fi's such an idiot!she actually believed what I told her!!like,omg~"
you know the nagging feeling you'll get when someone's actually mocking you behind ur back?
tt's freaking chewing me out right now.
maybe I should just forget everything else and be contented with what I have now.
though,that's probably never gonna happen.
not in a thousand years.
are you true?are you real?
nobody can ever answer that for you.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
bought 1 halter,1 skirt and a gorgeous red dress at a VERY affordable price.
do check the place out,it's on the 3rd floor near the escalator.
coffee-ed @ TCC before going off to meet Pris and baby to visit Sinyen @NUH.
rest well girl,shall see you soon(:
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Imma start working for daddy next month!
Thus,shoots for the rest of this month!!~!
Ive one today with Rick,
next week with Anthony.
briefing with Simply Intimate next tuesday.
group shoot on the 28th
and Simply Intimate's actual shoot on the 29th~
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My pink lantern!!~!
his eyes are open okay!
baby in his work suit.
[he's the one clad in white]

happy 19th birthday sweets.
havent seen you in a long while and I hope ure doing fine.
ughh.blogger's going nuts,I cant seem to upload pictures.
shall bore you with all text.
Wed/thurs[either one]
met up with Aaron for coffe at the Raffles Country Club
before heading off to JP to meet up with baby.
headed over to Maxwell house to sign the model release form with Simply Intimate.
cant wait to shoot on the 29th!!
met up with Aaron at RedDot Museum for coffee.
went off to outram to meet up with Jay for dindin before going off to sch tgh.
baby came to pick me up(:
if ure looking for nice and affordable lingerie,do check out Simply Intimate's website.
good material and totally gorgeous.(:
Saturday, September 13, 2008
hahha.super random.
translate this into the mandarin mid autumn festival song[zhong qiu jie]
august 15th mid autumn day~
the moon round round hang in the sky~
we sit together see moon moon.
eat one piece mooncake drink one cup hot tea.
you say say,i laugh laugh.
one house big small very happy~~~
Friday, September 12, 2008 going to simply intimate to sign model release before heading to school.
but wthhhhh,the timing screws up my schedule totally.
Signing at 3pm at Tanjong Pagar
Will probably end at 4pm or 430pm latest.
I have class at 7.
It's too late to go home and too early to go to school~~~~
Im not perfect.
It doesnt matter anyway.
It doesnt matter if Im not pretty enough.
Even if my legs are too short and my hair's too dry,
my tummy's not flat enough or I dont sound as sweet,
It doesnt matter.
It doesnt matter cause my baby loves me.
It doesnt matter cause that's who I am,and I simply adore myself.
This is the face of his baby,
their daughter,
her sister
and their goodfriend.
It is they who will accept me as who I am,what I am and what I'll be like.
and it is me who'll lead the life of whoever I become.
It doesnt matter, and will not matter if the others will never understand.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I love my baby,my family,girlfriends and coffee.
am so sick of everything else.
Im tired of guys trying to get into my pants.
screw that idea,tt's fucking nvr gonna happen.
This post is completely random and moodswing induced.
not that it matters.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
celebrated our 1yr 7monthsary with baby yesterday(:
was cramping bad throughout the day,
baby initially wanted to cheer me up by baking my favourite shephard's pie,
BUT,can you believe that the supermarket ran out of minced beef?
even the frozen ones?
bought me a box of Rochers instead.
I then treated us to dinner at Crystal Jade's La Mian Xiao Long Bao.
La Mian Xiao Long Bao= Pull Noodle Small Dragon Bun.
For those who like La Mian and Xiao Long Baos,
Ding Tai Feng's a pretty good place for it.
Although Crystal Jade's Xiao Long Baos are a tad bit tastier,
Ding Tai Feng's are ALOT juicier.NICE!!~!
For La Mian,there's no contest.Ding Tai Feng wins hands down.
Crystal Jade's La Mian's texture and taste is no where near Ding Tai Feng's.
back to where I was.
headed over to baby's place after dinner.
had baked corns for dessert.
Coffee is still as adorable and "sai nai" -attention seeking
he always gets into trouble and the first person he'll look for for cover is me[if im there,tt is]
so cute~~~
Mummy,I know you're reading this.
Can I PLEASE have a dog?

Monday, September 08, 2008
Got this test off Belle's blog.
There is a very, very tall coconut tree
and there are 4 animals,
a Lion,
a Chimpanzee,
a Giraffe,
and a Squirrel ,
who pass by.
They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.
Who do you guess will win?
Your answer will reflect your personality.
So think carefully . . .
Try and answer within 30 seconds !!!
Got your answer?
Now scroll down to see the analysis.
If your answer is:
Lion = you're a bit slow on the uptake.
Chimpanzee = you're a moron.
Giraffe = you're a complete idiot.
Squirrel = you're just hopelessly stupid.
There are no bananas on a coconut tree(:
Sunday, September 07, 2008
I love my baby.
Practically everything he does,I love it.
But the one thing I treasure above all is to see his face the first thing in the morning when i awake.
So,the first person I saw today when I woke up was my baby!!
Totally made my day(:
Headed over to JE to return the seriously overdue cookbooks.
browsed through and loaned another cookbook with shephard's pie recipe and headed over to his place to bake it for dinner!
at the library.
outside the library.
we were in the midst of saying was still trying to complete his sentence.
at the supermarket!
after 30mins of preparing and 40mins of baking.....
it's totally yummy!succulent...juicy...
simply delicious~
*licks fingers.drool-worthy.
it's just too bad that you guys aint there~~
*grins. there!!*kisses for the chef!
thank you baby for the oh-so-delicious dinner!!
I love you!!~!you get to cook more for me in future!do you hear?
Saturday, September 06, 2008
went for class.
lecturer talked for 2hrs straight.
one thing i can say bout him,he nvr runs out of topics to talk about.
2hrs's like 120mins.
he doesnt even really pause for us to jot down our notes.
LKL,you sibei zuei wei gong leh.
baby came to fetch me from sch.
headed off for supper before going back home.
I love my lil baby(:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Random pictures Ive missed out during the week includes a teeny tiny snail,bitesize mooncakes, heartshaped strawberry and coffee with a tint of red.
while heading out of the condo during one of the rainy nights,
baby and I spotted a really cute teeny tiny snail on the wall.
I probably shld have sth else in the picture for size comparison for better effect though.
From the box of strawberries MrsSong gave me,I found this adorable heartshaped one.
Shared it with baby^^
Baby and I went pass this bakery @ JE and decided to head in for a look.
spotted adorable bitesize mooncakes and bought 4 home.
Greentea flavoured, Coffee flavoured and two lotus.
took 2 pictures of him and accomplished the red tint by covering the redlight thingie my phone camera has.
I miss my baby boy!!~!~!~
I've class till 10pm today and thus I can only see him at 10!!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
went for an appointment with Simply Intimate to discuss a shoot.
Im gonna be the FIRST local/asian model!! OMG! x 2
stressful,but Im soo excited.
if things goes well for the first shoot[at the end of this mth],
we'll probably be shooting again.
wish me luck!!~!
headed over to baby's place after my appointment.
he's ill=(
take good care of urself and recover soon alright?
I love you(:
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I cant seem to transfer pictures out from my cell today.
blasted phone.friggin' USB port.
headed over to Mrs Song's place to pass her belated Teachers' Day pressie.
Fi-made-almondjelly with tons of longan.(:
wanted to pass it to her before,but somehow the jelly I made ytd was disastrous.
super watery.
Mrs Song apparently didnt want me to leave empty-handed.
she brought out another box of chocolates[identical to the one she gave us on Teachers' Day], strawberries and Tiramisu.hahahha.
so sweet right?(:
how I miss those days partying in the art room during art class with the rest.
Mrs Song used to bring the radio down for us so that we can tune into 98.7FM while drawing.
and we'll take turns bringing snacks to class,chips,nachos,biscuits,chocolates,sweets...
then the O'levels.
how hard she worked to help us.
she even bought us lunch during the days we stayed back to do our prep work.
where to find a teacher like that???
then I rmb Claud and I,the lil' princesses at that time.
we skipped one of the extra classes and went over to Ginza for Lan games.=x
how pissed Mrs Song was at us then.
she even threatened to bar us from our O'lvl art.
ah,Claud,rmb what we said to her then?=x
I know we were horrible at that time.
I got my silver eyelights!!~!
but baby says it's only feasible for clubs,events and shoots.=(
Ive gt an appointment with simply intimate tmr!!~!
good good,bring in the moolahs,Im sooo broke.
went to JW to get my pay yesterday.
not gonna tutor the two spoilt brats anymore,they're shifting.
ahh,I'll miss hanging out at the petshop with Marc and the rest.hahha.
uncle Tiger made me promise I'll visit though,
well,will do IF Im free,bored and around the area^^
does anybody with kids/nephews/friend's children etc[>pri/sec]need english tuition?
just drop me a mail @!!
Ive friends who're willing to take up students for math,science,POA,art and DnT too.
saw found a longlost video on youtube.
it's really touching.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Think of some, who also knows you and is important to you, which you can relate them to the following colors.
Do not repeat your answer twice.
Name just one person for each color:
Yellow, Orange, Red, White, Green
dont peep
Yellow: Someone you'll never forget
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend
Red: Someone that you really love
White: Your twin soul
Green: Someone that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
my Yellow is my mummy
my Orange is my sissy
myRed is my baby
my White is claudia honey
my Green is gabby
im baby's Red and claudia's White too!!~!^-^v