baby and I met up with Claud and Ashton at PS for Twilight.
seriously,it's a total disappointment compared to the book.
I rate it 2.3/5 stars.
had tea at Gelare before the movie.
everything didnt go well,but I'd a great time catching up with Claud(:

I'll be flying to HK tomorrow morning.
will be back on the 25th with the updates!
stay tuned.
top5 things/person I'll miss:
*my dog
*my piano
*baby's dog
*pet society.LOL.
I love my darling hubby!!~!*kisses!!!~!!~!
and I'll be mising you lots.
we'll contact daily,that,I promise you.(:
I know that I cant live without you,cause although Im excited bout the trip,Im dreading having to leave you behind.even for just a mere 5days.
Im going to miss you so much,and I know that you'll be missing me.
You promised to take care of yourself,and I,in turn,promise to do likewise.
4nights,at precisely 10pm,we'll gaze at the moon together and feel the love we share.
it'll be you I'll be thinking about throughout the entire trip.
while shopping,eating,sight see-ing,sleeping,peeing and pooing.
I hope to dream of you every night,to at least spend the few hours in sleep together.
until we get to go overseas together,the trips made will not be complete.
and when we're able to travel together,then I'll be able to feel the satisfaction.
I love you.
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