Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
this is Fiona,ur anchor for tonight's on channel FIONA's LIFE.
ive gt 1bad news and 1great news.
the bad news is,i missed my casting in the land of farfaraway[Joo seng road] on monday.=(
the good news is,
they're organizing another casting AND,i get a ride there @ the time im most convenient with on thurs!!
im one lucky girl?
i'll be going to sleep a happy girl tonight.
2 shoots tmr.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
NBTD interview this evening.
and a shoot tmr.
wish me luck!!~!^^
i really REALLY loathe last min arrangements and cancellations.
Monday, July 28, 2008
was at Marc's shop on Friday after tuition.and met this adorable lil' girl.
brought her across to the provision for sweets and a drink.!!~!
okay,she's suppose to look happy.

daddy's so cute!!just look at his hamster-ish expression.

wanted to shop,but nothing caught my eye=(
wanton noodles.
dog treats for coffee[husky],
chilled a lil' at the poolside before heading home.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
alr inactive,but brings back wonderful memories.
we're all pretty neat if you look at us on the surface.
well,actually...just the surface.
our mess.
not in order:me,claud,xuting,minyi,liana,sam,shikin,nunnie,nani,fyeza,ain.
in order:june,yazam,mun,osman,yuji,sikiat,laurel,ben.
i forgot who it's sleeping at the corner.
4ten with Ms Carina Heng!! ^~^v
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I want a doggy!!
but Mummy says no.
Mayb if i beg and beg and beg real hard for a Great Dane,
she'll be happy to give in when i ask for a Maltese.
mummy,can i PLEASE please please~ have a lil' doggie?
it doesnt hafta be a golden retriever[though id LOVE to have one of those],a Alaskan malamute, lab nor Sheltie.
i'll be satisfied with a tiny Maltese.
just please~please~please~ surprise me with one on my birthday
*Bambi eyes
oh, and in case Santa Claus's for real,
i would like 2 presents.
one,a golden retriever or at least a maltese
and two,
Christmas to come earlier this year.
I promise to toilet train the puppy and I promise to clean up all the accidents!!
And also to be FULLY reasonble for my beloved canine.
*BIG smile.^^
Friday, July 25, 2008
what's the fucking use of a maid if she doesnt keep track of what there is in the house?
no instant noodles,no potatoes,no carrots,no corn AND NOT EVEN BREAD.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
swt's staying over.
daddy kept coming in to disturb us,like every 10mins or so.
after like 4times,he stopped halfway out of my room and said "it's all becuase i cannot find my shaver!"
funny videos galore!!
left worse than the right.
stupid wisdom tooth.
mayb im paranoid,
but it seems that bugs are following me everywhere!!
moths in toilets,moths and beetles outside.
they're everywhere!!~!
help~ =(
my all time favourite lil' doggy.
hand fed durian without the seed,
fresh rambutans without the seed...
you name it.
he's soo pampered.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
once upon a time...
there was a beetle on my bed.
then i caught the beetle and threw it into a pail of water.
another beetle nearly dropped onto my head while i did so.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
15 more days till the 4th sequel from Stephanie Meyer.
i cant wait!!~!
if you're a reader,you really shldnt miss her works.
she portrays emotions,personalities and characteristics of the featured individuals really well.
had a movie marathon with baby today.
Dark Knight followed by HellBoy2.
not too bad.
ratings as follows:
Dark Knight- 2.75/5*
HellBoy2- 3.2/5*
i saw a guy carrying a bolster into the theatre while watching Hellboy2.
dindin @fish & co.
not nice at all.horrible in fact.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
it's gram's 75th birthday today!!
i love her soo!!~!
look how happy she is!

2nd durian session this month~
super heaty.
*note to self:buy herbal tea

and yes,peace,to show how satisfied he is nibbling.

super unglam can?

despite the carbs ive been taking in and the calories building up,
baby bought me chocolates!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
whatever the reason,
you didnt want me there.
you once said,"actions speak louder than words.i will prove it to you tt i love you......" blah blah.
you're right.actions do speak louder than words.
ur actions are shouting stuffs tt're contradicting what ure saying.
hw does love work?
you'll want the supposed significant other to be there for you,through thick and thin.
rather than through thick or thin.
if you truly believe that ur significant other loves you,
you'd know that he/she would want to be there for you too.
and definitely,
you'd not even request for him/her to stay away.
how else is a better situation than the crisis of a seriously ill family member?
you'd want ur supposed significant other with you.
at the same time,with ur family.
but noooooo,
he'd rather i stay away.
hw is that suppose to make ME feel?
you fucking dickhead.
how obvious is it?
you dont love me enough
you dont believe that i love you.
so what's the fucking point?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
i think im fat.
and i think im ugly.
i think im fat and ugly like pumba in the lion king.
go dig hole and bury myself la.
shut up.
shut up.shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
a hypothetical scenario:
Hayden lied and Colette found out.
Leaving lil trust and faith.
Now,Colette doubts nearly everything Hayden says.
After some time,Hayden created a bogus online identity and tried to get Colette into confessing some untruths.
Totally disappointed, Colette finds faint hope in rekindling their relationship.
Hayden's sorry,or so he claims.
Hayden's confident tt his love(?) will earn the return of Colette's trust.
But Colette remains skeptical until today.
Apparently,trust isnt present in this particular relationship.
When trust's absent,can love survive?
Hayden can say all the sorry(s) he's worth and "I love You" a thousand times a day.
But words fail to convince Colette.
Afterall Hayden lied once,however can Colette be sure that he isnt lying again?
For all she's worth,it can merely be a well prepared script recited.
punctuated with rehearsed expressions and actions.
I mean,it doesnt take much to fake a passionate "I love you" or shed a few phony tears.
Nor is it hard to make up a story or two to promise her that she's his one love.
A known face that Hayden had lied.
It does make Colette wonder,what else had he been lying about?
Maybe he did afterall have someone else.Maybe that's where his money has been going,she hasnt been keeping track of it much anw.
point is,
is it possible for love to exist when trust is absent?
and why bother staying together even if the love is there but the trust gone?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
met up with Rosalin & Indra @ Suntec.
i miss em soo much!!
it has been like,more than a year!!
* seems stupid and cute enough,
so,here it is(:
ended up getting a plain prata with Ros cause everything else seemed too fattening.
Indra is bored.Steve's eating,so no pics of him.
Steve had to go off.
So,off to the shops we went!and trudging behind us, an unwilling Indra.
1st destination,Bugis Village.
feet was hurting bad,so bought a new pair of wedges.
turns out that the shop assistant is a friend from the past.
went up and Ros got herself a pair of flats.
hung around before heading to B.Junction.
a bag from Charles&Keith caught my eye.
the sinful shopper me's debating with the thrift saint internally.
how else am i going to save up?
but that bag is just so nice!
it's not as if you dont have bags!
it's only ONE more bag!!
baby then came over to bring me home.
said my goodbye's and seeyouagain's to Ros&Indra.
Had dinner @ Macs.
OMG x3!
Cindy from adv dip walked pass while we were eating.
came over to ruffle my hair before heading off.
* cute.(:
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
dindin with my indon family @long beach restaurant.
my two favourite cousins!
they're going back to jakarta tmr!boo~
but promise i'll see you two soon!
10dish course.
love their pepper crab!didnt do my throat any favours,made it worse in fact.
but it was worth it!!^^
it's our 1yr5mthsary today[9th]
i love my lil' googooly bear^^