Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
baby came to fetch me from school yesterday before heading off to cathay for icecream.
hung around for abit before meeting claud and ashton for a drink at cafe iguana.
our magaritas,
their lime,ours pink guava.
look how huge it is.
honey prefers a non-alcoholic drink,
there is she sipping a fancy name for a pink lemonade.
headed off to brewerkz for their oh-so-famous chilli cheese fries before settling down to chill at the other end of the river.
our double-date went pretty well.
i love my sweet-faced claudia for a honey((:


Wednesday, September 19, 2007
conference with claud + ashton.
double date this thursday.
Fiona(: says:
we're going to double
chicken in biscuit says:
Ashton says:
ok ok
Fiona(: says:
fiona+claudia and ian+ashton
Ashton says:
i like Fiona alr
Ashton says:
thanx Fi jie jie!!
part two
Fiona(: says:
and claud's mine
chicken in biscuit says:
chicken in biscuit says:
fiona's mine too :P
Fiona(: says:
Ashton says:
i'd rather tt than u have her to urself hrmp
duel between fifi and ashton to claim claudia for own possession.=/
Ashton smacks boo's ass [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Fiona(: says:
was about to ask that
Fiona(: says:
fiona kicks ashton away
chicken in biscuit says:
Ashton says:
Fiona(: says:
Ashton says:
i'm flyyyyiiiiing
Fiona(: says:
chicken in biscuit says:
walks away with fiona*
Ashton shoot spidey-web and aims at boo's ass and swings back and grab boo away from villian Fi
chicken in biscuit says:
Fiona(: says:
Fifi uses fire arrow and burns the webby into ASHes
Ashton says:
why am i still figting a losing battle?
chicken in biscuit says:
Ashton drops to the ground with a painful thud
Fiona(: says:
fifi "hastes" and we walked away really quickly
Fiona(: says:
wtf am i talking about
Ashton says:
and tries to put out the fire
debate on where to go for the double date
Fiona(: says:
so,where to this thurs?
Ashton says:
chill? or
Ashton says:
Ashton says:
go cycling?
Ashton says:
go climbing best!!!
chicken in biscuit says:
Ashton says:
Fi i teahc u climb very nice
Ashton plans to leave Fi hanging on the wall
chicken in biscuit says:
i'll slaughter you if u do that!
chicken in biscuit says:
i'll slaughter him into pieces
Ashton says:
chicken in biscuit says:
if he does
chicken in biscuit says:
even if nothing happens to you
Monday, September 17, 2007
im really sad cause my navel piercing's closing=(=(=(=(=(=(=(
took it out to wash and cant put it in again.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
screw,piano examinations screwed.
3pieces plus scales plus oral.
doubt i'd even make it through.
save me
Sunday, September 09, 2007
our seventh monthsary^^
i'll be there with you through all endearvours,
till death brings us part.
up to when we're both blue to our faces,
until the very end.
my one love.
Friday, September 07, 2007
i had a really bad day.
antagonizing bad.
first things first,i was suppose to have a piano lesson today at 4.
but anna oh insisted that i hand up my grad proj tmr by 1pm whereas all the adv dip students get to hand up next friday.
so,i had to rush through the report,surveys and analysis.resulting in me missing my piano lesson.
AND im having my piano examination on the 13th this month,which is like next thursday.
i've another piano lesson tmr and i dont have sufficient time to practice!!im bound to get screwed.
explained it to anna,it was no different from singing to my stuffed animals.
my aunt called off tmr's meeting with me only when i asked her what our schedule was tmr.
we had planned this appointment since last week.
then after,i found out that she broke off our engagement because she made plans with her useless husband's brother's son.who is a malaysian.
goodness,am i not worth more than a measly farmer's son?
all i hafta say is that ive got a fucked up sister who will eventually get into trouble.
i wouldnt care and definitely wouldnt help.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Im doing my Graduation project and i need 50 surveys done. Would my readers kindly send their answers to This particular survey applies only to smokers. If you happen to have friends who smoke and not mind helping me out, please do get them to fill it up.
If you wish to remain anonymous, it's fine. But please include ur race,gender,age and highest lvl of completed education.I shall thank all in advance(:
Level of completed education [N`s, O`s, Diploma, etc]:
1a] Had you consciously/subconsciously influenced a friend to start smoking?
1b] Before starting to smoke, had you ever felt left out during conversations/gatherings when most of your peers are smoking?
2a] Smoking is a great way to make new friends.
2b] Smoking is a good time to hold a conversation with your peers.
3] If so, are one of your main reasons for picking up smoking peer pressure? [Influenced by friends. To be able to spend more time with your peers. Etc.]
4] Did you ever thought that you’d be able to quit as and when you want to?
5] Are you able to quit easily now?
6] Are you keen to quit?
7a] If yes, supposing help to quit is available but a certain fee is charged, will you seek help?
7b] Supposing help is available at a free cost, will you seek help?
8] How much do you spend on cigarettes per month?
$10-20/ 30-40/ 50 and above
9] Have you ever thought of what you could have done with the money spend on cigarettes?
10] Given a chance to undo what you did, would you have started smoking?
11] Is smoking an essential part of your life now?
12] Name a reason why you think smoking is harmful:
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
went back to KR last friday for the teachers' day celebration with claud,ting and gabby.
not much of a fiesta,the two MCs did a dreadful job in getting the enthusiasm out of the school.
for example,
in 2005,when the MCs went "KENTRIDGE OI!!"
we responded with "OIEE!!"
now in 2007,the school responded with an "oi~"
they scheduled a "catwalk" like thing.
i dont know,
but shldnt the supposed models be wearing at least presentable clothes?
the band's fine.
though the girl that sang solo was horrid.
before i forget,
the MCs did nothing but yell.
they scream instead of speak,and they dont fucking enunciate their words.
held conversations with teachers like msTiong and mrsSong.
there was this newbie who appeared intrigued by us and snapped a candid photos of us talking.cute.
mrsSong went "wo de shan ge da mei nu you hui lai le!" = "there comes my 3 great beauties again!!"[claud,ting&i].
mrsTan's still as adorable,she wore her hair in two ponytails and was in shorts and cute!!=/
she went to me,"aiyo.those heels so careful when you walk down the stairs ah"
mrNgoh introduced us to the new principal,hey kentridge,he aint so bad.
most teachers were being friendly with us.
all except some smug-face who recently got married.
headed off and met up with baby soon after the kids were dismissed.