missyFIONA's recipe blog

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

maybe not all,my throat's still a lil sore and im still having headaches.
BUT,definitely well compared to 40.5degs.(:

okay,im real bored.
id definitely did this before but im doing it again now[ripped from linda.AGAIN!].

Can you name 8 people you treasure & can think of right off the top of your head?
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 8 people.
This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.


How did you meet 8?
we were in the same foundation class in NAFA.

What would you do if you had never met 1?
i dont know,she's a great friend.(:

What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
i'll kill 2.
6's mine!!
*laughs.am kidding girl(:
but still,hands off.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?

Do you think 1 is cute?
definitely,without a doubt.

How did you get to know 7?
*laughs.long story.

Would you ever go on a date with number 3?
would she?*laughs.

What's 7's Favorite color?
ive no idea.

What would you do if 6 confessed they loved you?
he already did.*smiles.

Fact about 8:
she's fucking petite.

Who is 4 going out with?

who is number 5 to you?
well,only my BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD along with being my twinsoul and love and and and...(:

Would you ever live with 1?
why not?*laughs.

Is 2 single?

Where does 7 live?
really near me.like 2busstops away.

What do you think about 3?
blur as sotong.

What's the best thing about number 8?
she'll always accompany me drink.

What do you like about number 6?
i guessed to be everything.but now,i dont know.

Favorite Memory with 1?
our baby quill!!

a name personality test!!

here's the list...
A: loves to flirt
B: Loves people
Has one of the best personalities ever
E: Freaking beautiful
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Likes to act crazy as hell
I: Loves to laugh
J: Freaking Rowdy
K: Really silly.
L: REALLY easy to fall in love with
M: Makes dating fun
N: Good at sex.
O: Loved by everyone
P: Popular with all types of people.
Q: A hypocrite.
R: a freak in bed
S: Easy to fall in love with
T: very attractive
U: Gets hugs
V:Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what todo
Y: GREAT kisser
Z: Lives life for fun!!

so,i got,
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
I: Loves to laugh
O: Loved by everyone
N: Good at sex.
A: loves to flirt

LIST DOWN 5 people to do this personality quiz!! (*note: they must have a blog to blog about this :D)
well,since i got this from linda,i cant possibility put her name up again.can i?*laughs.


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