watched pirates of the caribbean at the grand cathay yesterday with baby,gabby & jy
with the tix claud gave me on sat.(:
jack sparrow's retardedly cute with his words
and looks idiotically adorable when he walks.
in summary,
he's a talented comedian.
oh,and the monkey is absolutely charming.(:
especially when he's shivering.
in all,
a fine movie to watch.
the only fallback is,
there were a couple with kids sitting behind us.
the little people absolutely do not know how to keep their paws of my chair,
and they'd been screaming their heads off through 1/5 of the movie.
doofuses they have for parents did not do anything.
ill-mannered creatures.
there isnt much to blog about cause we spend most of our time camwhoring.=/

1 through 5.

we can count!!
6 through 10,add gabby and i together.

look at how jaded my baby and jy were while gabby and i were busy snapping away.=/

we feel real guilty.=/
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