missyFIONA's recipe blog

Sunday, May 27, 2007

im flooding cause im really bored.
just a couple of hours more till i get to see baby,honey & jolin.(:

You Are Mostly Secure
In general, you feel confident and together.
But the wrong thing can happen, and all of a sudden, you're not feeling so secure.
Luckily, your insecurities don't last long... at least, not usually.
So the next time you're feeling insecure, try to snap out of it - and remember the confident woman you are!
Are You Insecure?

It's 90% Love and 10% Lust
You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer.
Is It Lust or Love?

You Are an "It Girl"
You're outgoing, friendly, and charismatic. You are aware of your image, and you are constantly improving yourself.You're definitely the type of girl people love to be around!
Are You An "It Girl"?

You Are Bad Girl Sexy
Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot.You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on.And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you.Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is.
What Kind of Sexy Girl Are You?

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 77%
Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High
You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others.You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator.However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone.
How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?

Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.You have the confidence to make the first move.And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing!
Are You a Good Kisser?

You Are More Mild Than Wild
You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.
Are You Hot?

You are a Great Girlfriend
When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtfulBut you also haven't stopped thinking of yourselfYou're the perfect blend of independent and caringYou're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!
Are You a Good Girlfriend?

Your Social Anxiety Level: 16%

You have low social anxiety.
You don't have any social anxiety. In fact, you love being social.
You're well adjusted and likely quite outgoing. Your social skills put others at ease.

Your Beauty Element is Fire

Wild and sexy, you keep your beauty style smokin' hot.
You're not afraid of glamour or showing off your assets!

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Honest

Like it or not, your friends are going to hear the truth from you.
You know that the truth hurts, but living a life of lies is much worse.

So while you're definitely kind and supportive, you don't pull any punches with your friends.
Everyone knows where they stand with you. And what you like and dislike about them.

While some may be initially turned off by your honesty, your friends have come to consider it a virtue.
After all, in world of white lies and deceptive politeness, you can be counted on for honesty and integrity.

Your friends need you most when: They need good advice or an intelligent opinion

You really can't be friends with: Needy, emotional people

Your friendship quote: "True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance."
What Makes You a Good Friend?

Your Celebrity Boob Twin:

Paris Hilton


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