met up with Bernard last wk for a carwash session.
seriously,prior to this, I havent been touching detergent for like eons!
*applies hand cream,day cream,night cream.*laughs!!
I went "eh,why the lamppost gt flower one?"
headed over to Joey's at Kembangan for makeup before meeting Christopher Afendy for a shoot in Raffles.
shacked the shit out of me.
met up with Bernard after shoot.
headed over to Marina; Kenny Rogers for dindin.
Hit of the day:
headed back to the car after dindin.
but the point is, on the way, I spotted a REALLY NICE dress from chaos!!
I ordered Iced Coffee, but the waiter went "eh sry miss,there is no iced coffee."
so,fine,I asked him whether I could have a cup of coffee along with a separate cup of ice.
"no problem, miss"
so, VOLIA!
my Iced coffee!
so,fine,I asked him whether I could have a cup of coffee along with a separate cup of ice.
"no problem, miss"
so, VOLIA!
my Iced coffee!
headed back to the car after dindin.
but the point is, on the way, I spotted a REALLY NICE dress from chaos!!
AND,it was on sale!*laughs.
anw,I bought 2 dresses for the 2 coming weddings.
pictures will be up then!
pictures will be up then!
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